Friday, January 30, 2009

Chapel Time--New pictures added to the slideshow!

Every Friday we have Chapel Time. It is a time to worship, pray, sing and learn lessons about God and Jesus. Ms. Gina and Ms. Sally Jo read us stories that teach us about doing the right thing, being a good friend and helping others. Sometimes we get to watch a skit where our friends teach us about God and what he wants for our lives. We sing really fun songs like, "Hip Hop Happy Day!" and "Thank You Lord," and sing and sign to "Our God is an Awesome God." We dance and have a great time. We love Chapel! We'd love it if you'd join us sometime!

Slideshow to be added soon.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Pictures and Fun with Ms. Krista's Preschool Class

We have been working on letter recognition and letter sounds, pre-writing skills, writing our names, cutting skills, and number recognition. Our theme this month was Big Trucks and Machines. We've learned all about cranes, recycling trucks, dump trucks and so on. We've had a lot of fun with this unit.

I have included a slideshow of some of our fun events.

Pictures and Fun with Ms. Gina's Kindergarten Class

They have been working hard this month on learning about our new president, writing words in cursive, blends, coins and telling time.

I have included a slideshow with some fun events over the year.

Pictures and Fun in Ms. Sally Ann's Pre-Kindergarten Class

This month they have been talking about our new President and watched his historical inaguration. They have started some of the harder cursive letters like f and k and are all working hard to learn those. They are reading small words now and practicing writing their numbers from 1-100. They studied Chinese New Year and some of the traditions that go along with it.

I have included a slideshow of some of the fun they have had over the year: bike riding, cooking, a trip to the pumpkin patch and some classroom fun.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ms. Gina's Kindergarten Class Won Scholastic Book Clubs’ ClassroomsCare Program

Ms. Gina and her class worked very hard to read 100 books. Each time they read a book, they got to color one in on the chart. When they had read 100 books they had a party to celebrate! Ms. Gina entered their names into a sweepstakes, where it was drawn!

Their entry was chosen from nearly 16,000 entries! They won ten 50-Book Libraries—a total of 500 books! The children will have the job of deciding where to donate the books within our own community. They will experience first-hand how good it feels to share the gift of reading. Congratulations Ms. Gina's class!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Parent Advisory Council Meeting

Please join us for a casual gathering of parents, teachers, and staff as we discuss our school and the vision for the future.

Our meetings have been fun, informative, and productive – come and see for yourself! The 20+ committee members are fellow CHA Parents with various talents and experience… and more members are always appreciated.

When: Monday January 26th, 6:00 pm

Where: Meridian Campus

Questions? Ask your child’s teacher or Ms. Gina:
Phone number: 503-635-2139

We hope to see you there!

Jean Road Changes and Robin is returning!

Briana will be working as Director of Program Development (curriculum, training, etc) and Jennifer Bernard will become Assistant Director along with Pat. Robin will continue as Director.

Robin is returning on January 26 and will be working a modified schedule of 25 hours a week for the time being.

Congratulations to Briana and Jen on your new positions!

Welcome back Robin! We missed you!

Website Suggestion Box

Throughout the school year we have all experienced a time when a simple tool or application could make life easier. A wish for a quick answer to an often repeated question or a painless resolution to a problem. Snow closures, homework assignments, missing forms and calendars are a few that cause havoc. Imagine resolving all these and more without saying a word. Imagine finding these tools on a Website.

We are completely updating the CHA Website but we need your help to make this the best site possible. We need your great ideas to show the world what we already know, that CHA is the place to be.

Please share your thoughts on tools and features that you would like to see on the Website. These could include calendars, planners, daily curriculum or photo galleries, to name a few.

Please send all ideas to no later than January 26, 2009. We appreciate your input and your help!

Ms. Patty

Ms. Haley had her baby!

Ms. Haley welcomed a little boy into the world, Sunday, Jan. 11 at 2:45 am. His name is Devin and he was 7 lbs. 12 oz.

Congratulations to Ms. Haley and her family!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

PAC/Auction Committee Meeting Question

Ms. Gina and Ms. Patty would like to know if Monday, January 26 or Friday, January 29 work better for a PAC/Auction Committee Meeting. If you are part of the committee (or would like to join), please email Ms. Gina with your preferences. Her email is


Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy 2009! I hope it brings you everything you wish for!

Life I Am the New Year.
Author Unknown

Life I am the new year.
I am an unspoiled page in your book of time.
I am your next chance at the art of living.
I am your opportunity to practice what you have learned about life during the last twelve months.
All that you sought and didn't find is hidden in me,
waiting for you to search it out with more determination.
All the good that you tried for and didn't achieve
is mine to grant when you have fewer conflicting desires.
All that you dreamed but didn't dare to do, all that you hoped but did not will,
all the faith that you claimed but did not have --
these slumber lightly, waiting to be awakened
by the touch of a strong purpose.
I am your opportunity
to renew your allegiance to Him who said, "behold, I make all things new."
I am the new year.

Some pageant photos

They were taking by my dad, so they do tend to feature Emma, but you can still see some of the other kids in her class. A few are a little blurry, my dad's not the greatest photographer. LOL! Enjoy!

Slideshow to be re-added soon.

Matthew Snow Day Picture!

Looks like he was having a blast!

Pic to be re-added soon.