Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Alex Patrick McMahon - Transitional K Teacher

June 16, 2009

Hello parents! My name is Alex Patrick McMahon; I am 23 years old and a current resident of southeast Portland. On Saturday, June 13th, 2009 I graduated from Oregon State University with a degree in Early Childhood Development and Education, and a minor in Business. My future aspiration is to someday own a private school resembling The Children's Hour Academy.

My parents divorced when I was ten years old; after that, my mother raised my two older brothers, and myself, alone. It is because this feat of raising three boys, that I have always looked up to my mother as a role model for her strength, ability to handle pressure in times of need, and for inspiration. She is the driving force behind me entering into early childhood education. I still, to this day maintain, a very close relationship with my father regardless of the divorce, and see him often.

I first became involved in caring for children, at age twelve, babysitting kids around the neighborhood. When I reached high school there was a preschool that cared for staff and student's children. I helped in the preschool from 2001-2004. I liked working with children, but saw many flaws in the way the school was operated and wanted to make a difference. Upon getting into OSU I decided the Early Childhood degree was right for me. Since then I have worked, volunteered, and been a student teacher in a vast array of teaching experiences and have learned so much.

When I'm not teaching I enjoy I enjoy competitive basketball, lifting weights and running, baseball, Judo and Jujitsu, drawing, collecting sneakers, music, sushi and Thai food, reading and time with family and friends. I look forward to teaching your children and working with you all towards a common goal.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Five Dollar Dinners


I came across this link on my social networking site, Facebook. Yup! I am officially a social networker. I can see "Twitter" in the future. I wonder, with all the social network intersectors, do you think they will have to 'detox' us from blogging, twitting, and Facebooking? I am embarrassed to admit that I love it; I love the quick social connections to former students now grown, married and having babies. I love getting quick glimpses into friends and families' days. I especially love "Farm Town," "Twirl," and "Farkle." In six weeks time, I've gone from completely oblivious to completely immersed. Sigh...even us seniors find networking fun and a creative outlet.

John has his own "FB" (Facebook) page. Of course, being a former cop and soldier, he not only finds farming fun, he's a fanatic at Mafia Wars. I'm the early bird that has to have eight hours sleep. Often, during the week when nature calls around 11ish at night, I see him on the phone with Mish, our daughter, plotting their next attack or designing their fields with unique and labyrinthian flair. When you actually appraise this newest level of connecting, it has a rather pedagogical side to it. You use your cognitive, motor, social, emotional, creative and linguistic skills.

I recently received my new pair of custom-painted shoes from "The Swanx." How does Swanx relate to Facebook you may ask? Another marvel and discovery from "FB" is an advertisement that kept displaying on my homepage, http://theswanx.com/. At first, I was relunctant to click on the link fearful that I might open 'Pandora's Box.' Being the adventurous pioneer, I pulled up their site and fell in love! Both Michelle (Mish) and I spent an hour scouring the site and trying to make a decision on which design. She settled on Dragonflies and I had mine custom made. If you get a chance, come by and check out my cool shoes.

Before ordering my shoes, I called their office in Washington state and spoke to the owner, Gene Sorensen. He explained the process and I was sold. When I ordered my shoes, I asked Gene if they would donate a gift certificate to our auction. Without hesitation, he said, "yes!" My shoes are featured on his website, just below the newest 'Signature Series', "Autism Speaks." I love my custom painted shoes along with its certificate of authenticity.

Sorry about digressing. Now I will get back to the first subject and title of this post, the site I found on"FB" called "Five Dollar Dinners." I am always looking for coupons and ways to save money and time, especially since we have a teenager living with us that eats us out of house and home, not to mention that she doesn't gain a pound! Great website, blog, and links to money saving tips and coupons.

For those of you that haven't ventured into social networking, I will say with resounding confirmation, "DO IT!" You will join our rapidly 'becoming' fanatical fanclub of "Facebookers." For those who are visually prone, I've included a picture of its web-like reach:

AMAZING isn't it!!!