Monday, August 27, 2012

Pre-Preschooler's Day of Water

Hello Everyone!

Today was a very exquisite day :)  Mondays usually are a little difficult to get started, however, this Monday was very different!  We started our Monday with free play in the morning, choosing blocks, dolls, dress-up, cars, magnet board (with letters and numbers) and books.  This was soon after a delicious breakfast of yogurt, granola and milk! 

Ms. Kelsey arrived, which meant potty time!  We took our girls potty first, then followed with a boy trip down the hall.  Our kiddos are one more day closer to being potty trained :) 

After potty, our class helped put fresh water into the sensory table, along with aquatic animals and bowls.  While children explored and learned in the water, Mr. Tim and Ms. Kelsey spoke of animals they had seen that live in the water.  Mr. Tim explained that he was at Seaside this weekend and saw great big seals!  They thought it was very cool that Mr. Tim was able to feed them :)  We discussed how water felt, and whether or not the water was warm (we decided it was:).

Around 10:00AM, we headed outside to enjoy the nice weather, before it ends!  Our other friends were already out by the time we got outside.  But we joined in the fun right away! 

After coming in, we took out beds, along with bed sheets, blankets and pillows.  After setting up beds, our class began reading books, stringing beads and pictures, or relaxed on their beds :)  Ms. Kelsey and Mr. Tim helped friends string beads, until book reading became suddenly popular :)  So, Ms. Kelsey walked over to the teacher area, grabbing a big book from the teacher area.  It was “Brown Bear, Brown Bear”!  They listened and enjoyed.  Then walked to the kitchen for their yummy Beaver Tailgate lunch!  Sorry, I meant just Tailgate lunch :)

As a reminder, school will be closed for teacher in-service day and Labor Day weekend, from Wednesday, August 27, 2012 through Monday, September 4, 2012.
We will reopen on Tuesday, September 5th, 2012 :)

Have a great day!

What our kiddos had to say about bugs today when we caught some special ones:

Jane- He can go for a boat ride! ( Then found a toy boat to hold him in)

Eli- That's funny!

Grace- Whoa! That bug's too fast!

Kyler- Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!

Clara- Where'd his head go? (He was an odd sort of bug!)

Erin- Where's his mommy?

Evie- He should make some wings to fly.

Mason- Is he for squishing?

Hailey- He wants to live in the grass please.

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