Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pre-Preschool's Last Day of Summer Camp!

Hello Parents!

Today was a very special day, as it was the last day of summer camp!  Next week we will be starting the academic school year through June of 2013.  We are very excited about the new school year and have many fun and exciting activities planned :)

This morning, our class enjoyed a few bowls of some hearty cheerios, bananas and milk.  After breakfast, we found our way back to class, being able to freely choose our activities for the morning.  Dramatic play was a popular area.  Our girls and boys enjoyed taking down and using dishes, food and dinosaurs for teacher-guided free choice!  After the early morning free curriculum choice, the kiddos were able to explore playdough in Ms. Annie and Ms. Kelly’s room!  We have the same kind, but apparently its much more fun to play with playdough in our old room :)  On the large table, new puzzles were available.  The three puzzles included “ABC puzzle”, “Dinosaur puzzle”, and the “Automobile puzzle”.  Wouldn’t you know it, the fire engine was a favorite puzzle piece (which reminds us, please look on your Shutterfly for the field trip to the Firehouse)!

During the last little bit of free activity choice, children went potty, then came back to clean our room up a tad :).  For our Summer Fun Day, we decided to listen to Frogtown, dancing at the song times, then our Lullaby Collection (getting out our blankets and sleeping buddies.  And finally, going on our last buggy for a while!  Next week we will have a full class of friends, some new, some not, and we couldn’t be more excited!

We took lots of pictures on our buggy ride, and had a lot of “going fast” times, since it was our last one :)  The kiddos had an awesome time watching Ms. Kelsey and Mr. Tim sweat from running and pushing the buggy so much! :)

We came back into our room after the buggy ride, found stories from our library, got out beds, blankets and bed sheets, and had a VERY relaxed reading time (most of the young ones were sprawled out on the floor, ready for nap:).  But we were more excited to eat lunch.  We lined up, sang our ABC’s, counted to 20, using the poster on our door, and said our blessing as we marched quietly into the cafeteria.  After ham, turkey, cheese, break and milk were gobbled up, a special treat was handed out for our fruit portion!  Fruit Pizzas!!!  Most of us picked off the strawberries and blueberries, leaving the crust (shortbread) alone :)

Nap is going great.  We are getting a lot of rest for the long break :)

A special note- All six of our girls were dry for their late morning potty trip!  Way to go girls!  And our boys were only damp :)  Good job class!

Kelsey and Tim

What is our favorite part about summer-
(Collected during conversations over the last two weeks, including all summer enrollment kids)

Clara- Seeing horsies
Eli- Sunshine hi-yahs
Erin- Buggy rides
Evie- Baby brothers coming in summers
Gabe- Walking with Mommy
Grace- Drinking lots of water!
Jackson- Basketballs
Jane- Swimming with Daddy
Hailey- Water on my shirt and splashing
Kyler- Outside and throwing balls
Mason- Getting wet and lots of water.

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